Category: News

Živel 1. maj – Labor Day

Distinguished members, člani in vsi drugi! Praznik dela je mednarodni praznik delavstva, ki se ga 1. May celebrated annually worldwide,sl. “The work is more important than capital… The capital is the result of work and would not...

SIOS 2020


Dne 22.1.2020 the Ministry of Public Administration held consultations regarding the remuneration of performance in the public sector, where they should be innovations in rewarding employees to be drafted in the first half of this year,. After preparation...

Vročina na delovnem mestu

SPOŠTOVANE USLUŽBENKE/USLUŽBENCI SLOVENSKIH OBČIN! At the Trade Union of Municipalities of Slovenia in recent days they turned many employees of Slovenian municipalities, da na delovnem mestu ob tej vročini delajo v nemogočih pogojih. Heat are the most vulnerable in particular,...

Congratulations on Labor Day!

Distinguished members, člani in vsi drugi! Praznik dela je mednarodni praznik delavstva, ki se ga 1. May celebrated annually worldwide,sl. “The work is more important than capital… The capital is the result of work and would not...

Negotiations for a higher recovery in 2019

Distinguished Members of the Union of Municipalities of Slovenia! Obveščamo vas, that negotiations, which were 24.4.2019, representatives of the government and public sector trade unions have not yet reached agreement on the amount of this year's annual leave. Negotiations...

Podatek o članstvu v sindikatu

Ali sme delodajalec od delavca zahtevati, da mu posreduje podatek o članstvu v sindikatu? V skladu s 13. členom ZVOP-1 se lahko občutljivi osebni podatki, med katere na podlagi 19. točke 6. člena ZVOP-1...