Mobbing in the Slovenian municipalities and companies owned by municipalities - a hidden destroyer of interpersonal relationships

SIOS 2014
SIOS 2014

Mobbing je pojav na delovnem mestu, pri katerem gre za sistematični psihološki teror, psihično zlorabo, sovražno komunikacijo, nasilje, zatiranje, poniževanje, ki ga izvaja eden ali več posameznikov na drugem posamezniku.

The first is mobbing studied and discovered the Swedish Work psychologist of German origin, dr. Heinz Leymann, in the early eighties. As mobbing understood the repeated attacks against an individual. Mobbing is always bullying, any suffering is not always mobbing. Prof. Leymann mobbing you opredelil v 45 positions, and it is very precisely define, as is required by its definition, it is at least 6 months and it must be done at least twice a week.

It is a conflict communication in the workplace between employees, So among colleagues (bullying), or to deliberate victimization of leaders in relation to subordinate (ali boss bullyng), where the parent show their power through repression subordinate employee, by preventing and prosecuting the employee or employees, at the same time use any means. Stafing is a specific form of mobbing, where it joins a group of subordinates, to get rid of the parent. In the workplace it is often associated with abuse of power, wherein victims very difficult to defend. In particular, it is difficult to defend against sophisticated forms of mobbing, such as the degradation of labor and social exclusion. Victims of mobbing each may be in one form or another.

Mobbing are more exposed to demanding jobs and some of the more intellectually oriented poklici.Zanj characterized, that is increasingly present in our daily lives, which means in Slovenian municipalities and enterprises, whose founder or owner municipalities. With the awareness of employees is becoming the working environment is increasingly recognized.

The most common causes of mobbing are:

– vacancies;

– the undervaluing of skills of employees;

– underestimation of the employees;

– time constraints;

– rigid hierarchy with the lack of communication options (one-way communication);

– high responsibility, a low possibility of making.

The negative consequences of mobbing are shown both for the individual, as well as for staff and organization.

The employer is obliged to provide a working environment, in which no worker will be subjected to sexual and other harassment or bullying by the employer, superiors or co-workers. To this end, the employer must take appropriate measures to protect workers from sexual and other harassment or from bullying in the workplace.

If the worker in the event of a dispute cites facts, the suspicion, that the employer has acted contrary to paragraph, the burden of proof is on the employer. In the event of failure to provide protection against sexual harassment, the worker by the employer for damages under the general rules of civil law.

Like other employers, It should also all municipalities and companies owned by municipalities take measures to prevent, elimination and management of cases of violence, maltreatment, harassment and other forms of psychosocial risks at the workplace, which may endanger the health of workers. Otherwise, the offense, for what they have with the Law on Safety and Health at Work (ZVZD-1) punishable by a heavy fine.

If you, you are the victim of mobbing at the workplace or the employer has not adopted appropriate measures to prevent, elimination and management of cases of ill-treatment and other forms of harassment, urgently contact the Trade Union of Municipalities of Slovenia, which will give you detailed instructions, how to proceed in a given case (management t.i. bullying dnevnika,…). The proper course of action is in fact essential in preventing this phenomenon and if you prove it to the court.

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